The relationship between Bernie's socialism and the market summed up perfectly.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Oh, were you serious?

When did Russia take to go bankrupts? I don't know which part of Russia's long history you mean. Do you mean the fall of the USSR?

It's also hilariously difficult to try to equate the economy of two countries. Russia has a different climate, tourism rates, socio-political ties and history from any other country, more so than most.

If you're talking about the fall of the USSR, that's related to an over-spending in military budget as a part of the "Star Wars" project. Additionally, a shit-tonne of corruption.

Russian / USSRian communism isn't communism as it was intended, neither is Chinese communism. Hence, they are described by the learner in charge. Stalinist communism, Maoism, not Marxism.

When did America last go backrupt? About eight years ago. And then again, eight years before that for eight months. And then ten years before that. Ten years before that. Nine. Four. Eight. Three. Three. Six.

How awesome was The Great Depression?

America can hold onto its capitalism all it wants, but it's not prepared to look after those at the bottom because of the American Dream. If you're at the bottom, and you can't go anywhere, you're lazy - that's the flip side of the American Dream. So what if you do your best and you don't make it anywhere because over 50% of the wealth belongs to less than 1% of the population?

What happens when the middle classes (who so vehemently defend capitalism because they benefit from it the most visibly) are taken apart, and the skilled jobs are automated? Suddenly, the middle classes become the lower classes, and the lower classes the pre-class.

And your culture doesn't acknowledge the lower class as worthwhile, they fall. America's digging itself a grave if it doesn't become more socialist.

RemindMe! ten years "До свидания, капитализм"

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