A reminder of why we have a subscription model in the first place...

If you enjoy it, then I'd say $560 for four years of consistent entertainment isn't that bad. Though I asked because it makes me wonder why you say you'd rather play f2p. Because you don't think it's worth it? If you don't think it's worth it, why would you pay it? If you've enjoyed it, then why would you complain about paying for that consistently improving entertainment?

If anything, it sounds like you want a quality experience without paying for that quality, which is...not only unrealistic, but not what would happen. Coming from someone who has played several games who went from p2p/b2p to f2p...it only hurts the community and production. Every time. Then you would be able to complain about premium subscription models (see TERA) or pushing the cash shop even more than now (see GW2) or both (see SWTOR).

It's very short-sighted to say you want the same game for lower or no cost, because that isn't what ever happens when a game reduces prices or goes f2p.

Forgive me if this is just putting words in your mouth, I'm just trying to understand what you mean and put it in perspective.

/r/ffxiv Thread Parent Link - venturebeat.com