The removal of Bind on Equip from an Endgame Perspective

The problem is that someone can't run the vet trials because of different factors: Lack of organized guild, pvper, just can't handle hard content like vet trials.
The only way they can get sets that drop in trials is using gold. Gold that they make somewhere else (gathering or don't know) and like the most part of the community say, it's the cycle of life in ESO.
Jhonny is a little boy, and he is weak, he would run trials but he can't find a guild or he has a bad rotation, but he knows that if he works hard, collecting mats, flowers and questing, he can buy the gears he want to run, mabye one day, the trials he dream.
At the moment this is possible, someone better than Jhonny and that has a guild for pve end game hard core, sell to Jhonny the items he wants, and this kind man can run again the trials he like because he gets the financing he needs.
If they apply the changes they have in mind, Jhonny will gather materials, he will sell them and he will have golds, what he will do with this gold? Buy crafted gear to run trials? The problem is that Jhonny has a work and he hasn't enough time to progress in vet trials and hard content, he just want to spent the gold he earned for weeks to buy the sets he wants.
At the moment the community is this. There is a little core in the population that run veteran trials and sell the sets they drop.
The major part of the community just run random/daily and quest or run normal trials just hoping to drop a jewel..
They are Killing the cycle of life of the community with this cut, especially without financing in some way the core that runs vet trials.
I don't run yet vet trials, because i don't have a end game guild to run with, but i have gear and damage required.
I have a full sun set that i paid selling gears i didn't need and buying what i need (the damn jewels) and i am struggling to use it because of the lack of guilds.

/r/elderscrollsonline Thread