REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked, used multiple gay dating apps

I will probably get downvoted to hell for saying this, but I am a Muslim, I know about Islam more than your average anti-Muslim warrior, I feel obligated to share here what my thoughts are so far about this fucker:

From what I've seen, there is absolutely nothing Islamic about this guy except his background. What he did is not justifiable by any means of Islamic thought. NONE whatsoever. ISIS does not fall in the categories of Islamic thought, just because they call themselves Muslims and 'Islamic' State that doesn't mean they are Islamic. It's like a country saying it's living by the American constitution yet they have a royal family ruling over them. You can objectively say, oh this part of what you claim is not "American-Constitutionalistic."

There is a very clear pattern for all of these terrorists who claim to be Muslims, they are always found in bars and stripclubs before they commit their crimes. This isn't a characteristic of remotely observing Muslims.

Not going to a nightclub and getting drunk is literally the least effort a Muslim can make to his religion. That gives you an idea of what kind of person they were as to how devout they were to their faith. If they spend that little effort on Islam, does that make their actions more or less representative of Islam?

Let me briefly clarify 'Islam and Homosexuality' because it's not as simple as saying 'Oh, Islam hates gays so any anti-gay behaviors are directly related to Islam'

  1. As a Muslim, God tells you that sexual acts outside of marriage are considered a Sin. That is in terms of yourself only, it's between you and God. Meaning if you do fall in this sin, you repent. You don't have to kill yourself or any other person to do that.
  • Also, this should be pretty obvious but many people don't realize it: As a Muslim you don't have the right to do anything about other people's sins but advise them (unless of course they are causing harm or damage to other people or property then you should try to stop harm). This is extremely explicit in Islam. Vigilantism is completely against Islam.

-Also, as a Muslim, you don't have the right to assume anything about anyone. You can't assume anyone is gay even if you see 2 guys humping each other naked. Literally. You don't even get to label people as gay or straight, not even in your mind. You can't think 'this person is gay, straight, sinful, a drunk, a bad person or any negative thought.

  1. There is no legitimate Sharia anywhere in the world today, but if there is to be a Sharia rule:
  • There is no punishment for being attracted to same the same gender.

-There would be an update and reform for our whole understanding of Sharia, there is a huge debate that nobody in the West hears about. It has been ongoing for a few decades in the Middle East, basically through this debate, Muslims are redeveloping their understanding of religion since it was almost destroyed by Wahhabi doctrine.

  • The only authority of this Reformed Democratically elected sharia-inspired government would be on public places, meaning it convicts people of adultery, or any kind of sexual conduct IN PUBLIC. The punishment for that back when there was legitimate sharia was 80 lashes, this was a while back so it probably won't apply to a modern day sharia. Again, objectively speaking this stuff is completely irrelevant because there is no sharia, and in order to get actual sharia there would have to be reform. We don't have that reform so as far as Muslims are concerned, for now, there is no Sharia anywhere in the world.

Having said that, most Muslims need to learn this stuff and there needs to be a huge enlightenment and reform movement among Muslims. These problems we are having with Muslims are because of the fact that the ignorant psychopathic maniacs who were brought up on psychopathic thought schools that are not even remotely Islamic or on the extreme fringe spectrum of Islam (Wahhabism) are in power, while the more reasonable ones (the majority) are extremely under powered. Wahhabism has been a fringe group of Muslims until early 20th century, this explains a lot.

The best way to combat this wave of struggle is simply: education. Once you have a higher level of education among Muslims you will see the elimination of fringe sections. Unfortunately for the Muslims, the people in power right now benefit only when Muslims are illiterate and weak and will do anything to maintain their power.

An analogy I like to use: If there is an angry violent mentally deficient person stuck in a room with you, they'd be better off if you start calming them down and de-escalating rather than poking, provoking, yelling, ridiculing, hitting and making fun of that person.

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