During meat rationing, now is the time to help local meat shops who have their own supply and have probably been hit hard too

What is this obsession with meat. Like I’ll eat chicken breast or some ground turkey, but like it just freaks me out that you Literally eating something that was like alive and packed and small trailers and then slaughtered so I just don’t understand the mentality of I have to eat meat every day or three times a day it’s just something I had to think about. How about a good recipe for brussels sprouts or meatless chicken pot pie they are just so many options especially in 2020 I buy veggie sausage and just knowing while I’m eating breakfast And starting my day I don’t have to think oh geez this came from a cow or a pig or whatever animal just kind of freaks me out I guess

/r/kansascity Thread Link - i.redd.it