
A trough or valley in the landscape can be chosen as a path even though it's quite high up the slope relative to absolute values. A stable state in a system that is far from equilibrium is known as a metastable state[2] . A system's ability to be in and maintain a metastable state is a function of the degree of perturbation relative to the height of the walls (maxima) that surround the valley (minima). In other words, energy is required to shuffle it out of the state that its' in, even though lower-energy states are available. If it never get's disturbed, it will stay in the trough.

Thanks, this is a really useful concept for my current work with /u/AciaMeriPens. I've heard this concept/word before but I forgot about it and had no place for it. Super-powerful though in terms of decoding one's current multiverse location in order to recode somewhere else. The tensities between peaks and valleys (current locations and potential locations) constitute pitches or energy-tensions/densities which themselves can perhaps be used as bungee cords to generate the required energy to rock out of a slump.

I don't have your experience with metal like that but I think I see what you mean.

Or, you can just add so much energy that the banks are ignored.

This is my idea from the essay of how the non-subtle high-energy paths are created and defined: from an ongoing crushing excess of energy which is schismatically organized in order to quickly dissipate it (without causing a seizure). The banks (of the river) are ignored and instead a fry-pattern like a lightning strike on metal or a CD in the microwave appears.

That etch becomes a path that offers a lower-energy option for routing decisions, but not necessarily the absolute lowest value state available in the system. Watch it happen on your windows on a rainy day. It's the same process that etches rivers.

So, the process of removing all riverbanks would be one of resisting resistance: any banks which are detected (as resistance or shaping of movement) must be snuggled up against until they dissolve.

Thanks for reading my essay :-). If you want to get in on the numogram/sorcery project /u/AciaMeriPens and I have been working on I think you'd have something to contribute.

/r/sorceryofthespectacle Thread