Responding to robbery in progress, cops let robber walk by them and he guns both of them down

So it was the murder of two policemen in Guadalajara The images of that fateful moment in which the officers arrive at the place of the assault circulate in social networks

This was the murder of two policemen in Guadalajara.

Guadalajara, Jal.- It is circulating through social networks the recording in which it is observed the exact moment in which two policemen were finalized yesterday, this after going to attend a report that indicated the assault to an office in the colony Independence north , Of the city of Guadalajara.

The facts are perceived from the angle of a security camera inside the affected trade. At the beginning you hear someone say, "It's inside . " The entrance of the place is clear and it is there when both officers arrive to the place and it is there when the tragic moment occurs.

Police officers come to his work, this was his last mission.

The assailant was in the interior, leaves calmly like any person, with his weapon behind; And when he was on par with the officers, he fired at the burner. The police were given the corresponding attention, but the efforts were in vain. Impacts on skull and neck were fatal.

Police officers come to his work, this was his last mission. The events happened yesterday Dr. Circunvalación Dr Alt, when they attended a report of the robbery to a clinic, which was in process and attended with immediateness. The report of the theft in process was received around 3:00 pm at the clinic located on the avenue referred to, between Sierra Grande and Monte Parnaso, where the two police officers came with their complete equipment.

Police officers come to his work, this was his last mission. PHOTO: The Informer Upon arrival, they were shot to death by the criminals, who fled the scene after the attack.

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