Responding to those questions like 'Why are you worth the money?'

The escort opportunity cost argument is a bad idea. Many higher paying SD's probably wouldn't want an SB whose actual opportunity cost is earning income as an escort. Besides, even at $200 per, an escort can earn $1600 per 8hr day, or $32,000 for a 20-day week. You'd have a very hard time finding SD willing to pay $32k per month. So why hasn't every SB become an escort? There are obvious reasons not covered here.

"Why are you worth the money" is a wrong question indicating the guy thinks you are asking too much. How much associating with you is worth to him is something for him to assess. Asking that question, he is essentially asking why he has to pay that mount while your vanilla date would be getting it for free. It's a silly question. If he doesn't see sleeping with you for a few months to few years of your best without having to be your emotional support or even potentially marrying you (with all the consequential cost later on for a man in his financial position) is worth the espense, then he is not for you.

/r/sugarlifestyleforum Thread