North Korea begs for aid after floods despite spending millions on nukes

Arguably it makes more sense for them to do it than us. He's a fucking pile of shit - but an argument can be made for wanting to "catch up" all the same.

We on the other hand are far more powerful military than any nation on the planet. Probably more so than any two or three combined. We spend billions on aircraft and weapons we don't use and don't need. Things we will never likely see a need for in the real world. We can afford to scale it back by half or more and put that money where it's actually useful and needed. As well as bringing all our military home and being a purely defensive force rather than an invasive/imperialistic/occupational force, saving even more money and being virtually impenetrable - more so than we are deployed all around the planet. What we spend on the military makes zero fucking sense and there's literally no good argument to be made for it at this time.

That said, I wish there was a way to help his people that didn't involve helping him or his regime. I wish they'd revolt, overthrow him and somehow either rebuild from scratch or join with South Korea. Fucking disgusting that people like him still exist and exert the control they do over people just wanting to live their lives by keeping them in the dark.

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