In response to a comment stating that British police managed to subdue a madman charging through the underground with a machete without shooting him: "Why would you be proud of a society that lets people like that live?"

Example from Croatia: Srđan Mlađan

He was 16 when he killed 16 year old girl. She was waiting for her boyfriend. He sat next to her, started to chat and then killed her with a bullet to the head and to the neck. Then he went home on a bus.

Prema svom vlastitom priznanju, Mlađan motiva za ubojstva nije imao jer je Elizabetu tada vidio prvi put.

He had no motive to kill her, he saw her for the first time ... his own words.

Odlučio sam na tom mjestu i tog dana nekoga ubiti, meni je bilo svejedno koga. Da nije naišla ona, žrtva bi bio netko drugi – priznao je Mlađan u svibnju te 1998. godine u istrazi, samo nekoliko dana nakon što je napunio 17 godina. Mediji su ga tada prozvali sisačkim monstrumom.

"I decided to kill someone on that spot, anybody, if it wasn't she it would be someone else."

kada mu je bilo 15, u ruke prvi put uzeo očevu pušku i pokušao ubiti Josu Martinića, čuvara tržnice u Capragu.

At 15 he tried to kill for the first time.

Na drugo ubojstvo nije dugo čekao. Baš kao i 16-godišnju gimnazijalku pred kojom je bio život, umirovljenika Petra Jančića (61) iz Siska ubio je samo zato što se u krivo vrijeme zatekao na krivom mjestu.

His second murder was again a person who was on a wrong place at the wrong time.

Jančić mu je bio susjed, a dočekao ga je pred ulazom u garažu gdje je u njega iz očeve puške ispalio tri hica.

Jančić was his neighbour. He shot him three times.

Then he robbed a bank and ended in prison. He got maximum for a minor.

He was allowed to spend weekends out of prison.

On one of those weekends he rented an apartment, robbed a bank, killed a cop and took a woman and her daughter and son as hostages.

Za jednog od psihijatrijskih vještačenja na koja je jedva pristao, upitan da kaže nešto o glasovima koje je navodno slušao, odgovorio je:

Sve su to gluposti. Ne smatram se psihički bolesnim, nije mi potrebna psihoterapija, za mene je jedini lijek metak u čelo.

During one of psychchiatric session, when asked about voices he said: "that's all stupid, i am not mentally ill, only cure for me is a bullet to the head"

Želim minutom šutnje izraziti sućut svima koji su ubili neku murjačku svinju. Nije mi žao što sam to učinio i ja, šteta je što nema više ljudi poput mene – kazao je na izricanju presude. Na slobodu bi trebao izaći 2025. godine, u 44. godini.

"I want a minute of silence for anyone who ever killed a cop pig. I am not sorry for what I did. Too bad there aren't more like me" - that's what he said on his sentencing.

He is getting out in 2025.

So ..... what to do with him when he gets out?

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