The rise of left-wing, anti-Trump fake news - BBC News

Your point about the £350 is fake news.

This figure was dismissed on the day the bus came out. In fact the only time I really hear about the bus is that it is a false figure.

I've yet to meet a person who voted because of 1 bus. And if someone did it meant they didn't do 2 minutes of basic research.

Nevertheless, that doesn't stop people like you bringing it up every single fucking day to try and undermine the Leave vote.

Politicians (mixed with media shit stirring) lie and exaggerate all the time. I would like someone to name a vote in history that had more great depth of information and arguments on both sides (debates, negotiation war-games, documentaries, lectures, articles, books, select committees, etc.).

The people who we're uninformed are the people who never bothered to get informed. A good chunk of people (on both sides) are always uninformed. This is how democracy has always worked. But now it's a problem?

I didn't even vote Leave but this stuff really winds me up. Remain lost the debate. And this passive aggressive implication that Leave voters we're too stupid or poorly informed to make the right decision is very unproductive. It comes off as deeply arrogant and is probably the key reason Remain lost.

I know PhD's and businessmen who we're passionate Leavers. They made some fantastic, fact-based arguments. There is a juicy irony that supposedly all the Leavers we're too stupid to understand the debate, yet I see plenty of Remainer's who are so blind they can't see the other sides argument.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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