Roasting every top university

Thats my opinion of him. People overlook his faults because he was a progressive reformer who started the league of nations and won a nobel prize for it, but it overlooks the facts that:

a.) He began the cycle of ineffectual American interventionism that plagues US foreign policy to this day, based on his delusions of the US as a nation (of the white race) divinely ordained to drop in and solve the world's problems.

b.) his dumb league of nations that got him his dumb nobel peace prize didnt work and was also founded on his aforementioned delusions on the US's (and his) place in the world.

c.) In Versaille he struck down a proposed amendment to the treaty recognizing "racial equality", even though a majority voted for it, just because he was presiding and had no respect for other nations.

d.) He believed that the President should be the supreme authority in the government above the legislature, favoring a government run by elitist academics rather than a government of the people.

e.) He suffered a stroke and was completely unfit to serve, but had his wife perform his presidential duties, even vetoing laws passed by Congress despite being COMPLETELY UNELECTED

f.) He elected without a majority of votes because the opposition vote was split between republican William Howard Taft and bull moose party Teddy Roosevelt.

g.) He resegregated the federal government, firing black employees or demoting them to ineffectual roles

h.) He didnt just tacitly endorse the KKK, he ADORED it, calling it the "invisible empire of the south", meant to protect white people from the scary black people that were ruining their lives.

i.) He was an elitist, kkk-aggrandizing, segregationist autocratic neoconfederate racist idiot, and even still racist by the standards of his time.

I basically just think that he embodies everything that sucks about modern American politics. The nepotism, the racism, the interventionism, the arrogance, the academic elitism, the religious zealotry, the subversion of democracy-it's all there. And I think a part of how I feel too, is the fact that everyone glosses over him as an acceptable or even somewhat good president, just because he created the federal reserve for a more stable economy (that crashed only like 10 years later) and he began the league of nations after marching into ww1 like the American-exceptionalist buffoon that he was, immediately telling every country what to do in the aftermath of a war that he dragged his feet in the mud to get involved with in the first place, a war that could have ended MUCH SOONER if he shed his ideas of America as some godly arbitrator and just got down and dirty with the side the US was obviously always going to support anyways. And there's the fact that we got him instead of Teddy Roosevelt, who at the time was running on a platform of:

-a national health service

-women's suffrage

-expanded welfare for women and children

-social/industrial justice yada yada standard fare progressive stuff

-a national health service

And I know it's extremely reductive to say that one president could have completely changed the modern political landscape, but imagine if we got TR instead. At the very least he wasnt a neoconfederate racist, and at best his policy, if enacted as proposed, could maybe, possibly have shifted american political discourse surrounding welfare policy past "hurr durr dont use my money to give bandaids to poor people thats communism". And TR was far from perfect, being the imperialist, also racist (but not to the extent of Wilson) warhawk (who never saw a war in his presidency) that he was, but his warhawkishness wasnt grounded in some delusional religious crusade like Wilson's was either, and he certainly would've pushed for the US to get involved in WW1 earlier, reducing the sheer damage it inflicted on the world as the war would likely have ended sooner.

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