Robert Wiles, a photography student at the time captured Evelyn Mchale's suicide which the Time magazine called, "The most beautiful suicide"

I totally understand where you're coming from with r/wowthanksimcured, but here's my perspective.

I have a severe treatment-resistant sleep disorder, and the number of times I've seen a new doctor, or mentioned it to an acquaintance, and have them immediately recommend sleep hygiene, exercise, or melatonin is honestly infuriating. It feels patronizing and invalidating to me. This disorder has been ruining my life for over five years so of course I've tried the obvious stuff. I have a whole damn list of the 300+ things I've tried that didn't work, and right at the top are melatonin and sleep hygiene.

I'm not saying that these things don't work. They're powerful tools that have the potential to help most people a lot. But it still pisses me off when they're recommended to me because it shows how little that person thinks of me and my ability to do basic research about treatment options.

So I guess when I go to r/wowthanksimcured I see two kinds of posts: One is the kind that you're thinking of, like: "Depression isn't real you just need to cover a crystal in essential oils and stick it up your nose." But the other kind has that attitude of being patronizing and invalidating by recommending obvious things that everyone has already tried.

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