Robin wants some positivity....and maybe a skin.

Well as a rank 6 killer almost every one of my games lately has been toxic swf gank squads. I never get more than 1 or 2 hooks on the same person cause they’re coordinating who’s turn it is to get hit and I make it point to not hook camp so I end up with 0 kills. Without fail all 4 of them will ALWAYS be sitting at the gate waiting for me and teabagging. Of course that just makes me want to mori up next game or hook camp the next person that loops me just a little too long... thus perpetuating the cycle.

Similarly, as a rank 5 survivor I get quite a few toxic killers, though it’s not nearly as common as finding toxic survivors. Literally the last game I played was a basement camping bubba who only got two kills. The first was a legit down that he then proceeded to face camp in basement. The second was some poor fool that went down to save him. Me and the other guy repaired four generators in the time they were being camped. Overall though I think toxic killers are much more common around higher ranks because toxic killer behavior is actually punished, unlike toxic survivor behavior.

TL;DR survivors are toxic at the sweaty red ranks and killers are generally more toxic (whether intentionally or not) at green ranks. Stick around, they’ll find you eventually.

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