Rudy Rochman’s “We Were Never Lost”

They are absolutely Jews - but only in Africa and to other fellow Africans!

I dont see anyone else doing what they do there.

But to other Jews around the world - maybe. Maybe not.

Why? Theres so many instituted ways in determining Jewish idenrity.

The Talmud has a set of requirements for determining who is Jewish.

The Nazis had their set of Nuremberg Laws in determining "who is a Jew".

The Soviets/Communists had their own way of determining Jewish identity.

Each Jewish denomination have their own requirements for determining Jewish identity.

Reform, Ultra Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Open Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Renewal, Humanistic etc.

Forget the movements, it can even differ between communities of the same denomination.

The State of Israel has their own requirements for proof of Jewish identity.

So who is a Jew? Depends who you ask.

They are obviously Jews - but Jews in Africa alone so far!

/r/Judaism Thread