The Russians Are Coming: Lithuania's Operation Lightning Strike (2015) - VICE News follows the Lithuanian army and their new Rapid Reaction Force as they undergo four days of military drills simulating responses to a separatist situation similar to that occurring in Eastern Ukraine

Libertarian Socialism is great... For immigrants. In the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden 60% of all immigrants don't work but get welfare from the government. Great system if you want your country to be overpopulated and get people who settled there first to move away. My name is David, not Dimitri, Dimitry, Dmitri. Ukrainian politicians are absolutely corrupt. The country is in a civil war and has very bad amount of debt. Debt doesn't mean anything tough, a government isn't supposed to work like a company.

I don't take advantage of Ukraine, nor am I Russian, is it really that hard to imagine for people that there may be somebody that doesn't generalize and hates every single drop of blood on what their leader have been doing? And yes You can easily justify that. Russian speaking people did not like the Ukrainian government, they rebelled using the money provided by the Russian government, and made it possible for Crimeans to choose which side they are on. Tons of countries annexed on ethnicity of the people in that region, but when Russia does it is a war crime. Doesn't matter, now you are going say I am using "whataboutism" Which is idiotic. Like, who thinks of that?

6500 deads could have been prevented but it's better then 3 times as much deads if the protest in Kiev did not go too well. Be glad Kiev won this fight, Crimean Russian speaking population is put under Russian hands, and peace is almost guaranteed unless Putin snorts crack.

And whataboutism is idiotic. Absolutely idiot. This is a perfectly fine argument: "When the US bombs hospitals with children and churches, it doesn't have to be justified according to the general population. When the RF presses their claim on the Russian speaking population in Crimea, which give consent, it should be counted as war crimes. This is one sided and hypocritical" <---- This is a perfect argument. It shows somebody to look at himself and play defensive in an argument. And remember, people like me, "pro-russian commie scum" teach your children and write books and articles.

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