Russians of reddit, what is the older generations opinion on the USSR?

No. It's not.

Holy shit. It's incredibly, overwhelmingly dependent upon the cost of goods and services domestically and provided by trade partners. Not the country's position left or right on the spectrum. Full stop.

You can't just pick 3 out of hundreds, Einstein. Goddamn. That's not how any of this works, and I've been trying to explain this the entire time. You're cherry picking data points and expecting them to actually mean what you want them to mean.

For the record, the top parties in Australia are the Liberals and the Labor party (social democrats). Switzerland's top parties are the People's Party (economic liberalism), Social Democratic Party, and The Liberals. The largest parties in France are the Republicans (conservative, nationalist) and En Marche (centrist), finally followed by the socialist and many others.

France, Finland, and Denmark aren't on the top. They're high, but you've got island countries up top, again, because it's dependent upon the cost of goods and services domestically and provided by trade partners. If you're a poor nation, that adds up. It doesn't matter if you're left or right.

This shit isn't black and white. Stop being so goddamn stubborn, dude.

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