It’s literally impossible to meet random women outside of work.

this “sTOp AcTinG LiKe a ViCtIm WoMeN!!11!” mentality is so tired and backwards and the only comeback guys like you can fathom to pull out of your backside when having to give any response to a woman who has called out your stereotypical or not so realistic portrayals of women.

Wow you're so blind. The person I spoke to understood what I meant. I never said women don't go to events did I? I just said it's majority filled with men. Go to a night club. Go to sports events. Go to social sports clubs, not gender specific ones. All of them will have more men in than women. The only sports club I can think of that doesn't have more men than women is yoga, and that's not really an interest of mine do I don't go to yoga.

OP said she's a social, active, living human - an overreaction to as if I said all the women just sit in the corner and have zero hobbies. Never said that. To which I said stop thinking that every man is out there to attack you and being a victim, because it was an overreaction, and to something I never even said!

Then comes people like you. Who love to take what I said twist it a bit, amd then get outraged without thinking it through. No surprises really.

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