[S05E03] - 'A Matter of Trust' Post Episode Discussion

Oliver keeps William a secret is a big no, felicity keeps secret about killing Rory's family and 20,000+ lives is a big yes. Whatever benefits you felicity you hypocrite.

Fuck this show for that Deadshot tease, he deserves to return for real.

Really not interested in the mayoral crap that Oliver is struggling to take seriously. Why did he think he could handle it when he couldn't handle Queen's Consolidated? Thea with that ending beat-down of the reporter was awesome though.

Oliver having to apologise again for something that isn't his fault, hot dog needs to listen to the team leader. And of course felicity is right again.

Boy can Artemis' stunt double jump high. Curtis' costume looks cool too and Ragman was pretty cool. This new team wasn't horrible tonight :)

Cody Rhodes was awesome and Oliver as the Green Arrow was awesome too.

Does anyone else find it weird that Anatoli and flashback Oliver haven't even mentioned what happened to Sara yet? Still enjoying the flashbacks :)

Pretty decent episode tonight, best of the season so far imo.

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