Sad reality is that in a single night your account can be ruined. 128 days played all for nothing. I was hacked authenticator and bank pin was still enabled. I will forever be grateful for my osrs friends and memories. Peace out iron fellows

Yes. See my reply here:

That is the point of having an authenticator. I got used to all of this because if you work in any security field or development field, you are required to enter a 2FA code just for accessing your email, logging into slack, github, etc.

It's just a few seconds to unlock your phone, pull up the authenticator, and enter the code :S
A few seconds of inconvenience is worth not having your email, and your RS account compromised.

My gmail has 2FA via YubiKey and Google Titan Key. So for those, I just leave the key plugged in, and only touch it when logging in. For RS, there is no such FIDO2 option, so I just open the app and enter the code.

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