Saturday Morning:

Sad and relieved. I posted two tl;dr threads in here about a woman I went on a couple dates with. I was really smitten with her, but suspected she wasn't feeling it when she scheduled a phone call a week in advance (which got bumped up to today).

I figured it was a rejection call, and it was. She thinks I'm great but can't give me what I "deserve" (I don't like it when people start talking about what other people "deserve").

But she said she wants to continue to see friends. I've had a lot of women say "I just see you as a friend" as a soft rejection, but this woman sounded actually serious about continuing to spend time together. And she sounded hurt when I told her I needed time to think about it, because I think I would have a hard time putting aside my attraction and romantic interest in her to be friends and that I wouldn't be a very good friend if I'm sort of silently hoping she comes around to wanting to fuck me.

But I don't know, I thought we connected and we could still add value to each other's lives as friends.

/r/OkCupid Thread