Save an extra ~$20 on cards on top of the Amazon coin method

Hey guys, along with the video I posted, I decided to make a text post with the same information in case you can't or just don't want to watch the video.
So basically I used the Amazon coin method that I'm sure you're aware of to get about a total of $139 worth of hearthstone content for $80(and I had an extra $10 amazon credit on top of this). The jist of it is you use another subreddit to buy an Amazon gift card off of another reddit user for a percentage of the price, then you use the Amazon gift card to buy Amazon coins, and use the coins to buy your Hearthstone goodies. Here are the steps in a bit more of detail.

  1. Head over to /r/giftcardexchange and read their rules, make a flair, then finally make a post, or find a post saying you're looking for Amazon gift cards. Example post of mine:
  2. Find someone you're willing to deal with and check their reputation page if they have one. If they don't, consider asking them to go first.
    Note: Once you apply an Amazon gift card to your account, they can't get the gift card back, so at that point their end of the bargain is up, and you send them the money(either PayPal, Venmo, Google Wallet, etc).
  3. Next step is to buy the amazon coin package you want, and buy your packs. If you aren't aware of the method,here is Reynad's video on the subject. 
    Note: I emailed amazon about getting coins back for the hero portaits, and they said as long as you provide them with the 3 transaction numbers they will add the 30% extra coins for it. I haven't done it yet myself, but I will update this when they do give me the refund.


This way may take you a bit longer to accomplish, but if you really are on a budget or just don't want to spend that much money for the content, then this is a way to get it just a bit cheaper. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them as quickly as possible, and my video is a tad more in depth for the process if you get a chance to watch that.

/r/hearthstone Thread Link -