[WP] Create your own country, complete with a currency, brief history, and form of government.

The country in question is the American Federative Congressional Socialist Republics, successor nation to the late United States. The AFCSR was formed in 1917, one year after Eugene Debs, the Socialist Party's presidential candidate, won in a landslide election against the incumbent, Woodrow Wilson. Upon rising to power, Debs quickly established statutory "congresses," legislative bodies representing each of the industries of the U.S., while devolving the power of the federal government. In 1917, with the overthrow of the Russian Czar, Debs, supported overseas by Vladimir Lenin, rallied the congresses to revolt against their gubernatorial authorities and establish Congressional Socialist Republics in each of the 48 states. Debs joined these republics into a contiguous federation, and suppressed dissent through political violence and the suspension of the right to freedom of speech. The United States Armed Forces were promptly absorbed into the federation, and sent overseas in 1918 to assist the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War. The government of the AFCSR is divided into three branches: the legislative, which is made up of the Supreme Congress of the AFCSR, the executive, which is made up of a Premier of the Government of the AFCSR and his/her cabinet, chosen by the Supreme Congress, and the judicial, which continues to be populated by the Supreme Court of the late United States. The United States Dollar was abolished from circulation in 1920, and gave way to the new state-sanctioned American Real, with an exchange rate of AR1 to one oz. of gold. The AFCSR was later taken off of the gold standard in 1971 after Premier Richard Nixon halted the exchange of currency for gold.

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