Concord Dawn - Take Me Away (The twin sister prequel that sets up Morning Light)

NZ's very own bad boy darlings took us to a new dawn in DNB with Morning Light on Timeless, so perfectly geographically located too. Take Me Away on Commercial Suicide is the twin sister track in the same vein as Morning Light. It's the female side of the story, and not only in the lyrics and voice, but also with a softer melodic line to counterbalance its elegant and slower drop. Take sounds out melancholy and an emotional twilight in a prequel to Light's raw yell in the dawn. At vast 9 minutes, it doesn't have to be doubled up or sequence-looped live to deliver its sweet parts while never getting boring, which is a production marvel and a testament to the technical skill of the Concords. It's arguably the more epic - anything and everything - one of the siblings.

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