Why do you have that scar?

Riding along an oceanside road on a moped while on vacation, I got distracted by the beautiful orange sunset thinking, "Man, I wish I could just stay here forever." My attention returned to the road as I'm approaching the median, heading directly across the double yellow line at a grey Jeep Wrangler. Engage full panic mode, I correct my steering but put my feet down on the road at ~25mph, avoid the Jeep but not the ground. Everything goes dark for a second and I come to, I'm on the ground bleeding with the bike on my leg. Kick that shit off, stand up all wobbly, but everything was fine, except for some minor road rash on my cheeks and nose and an inch long gash on my forehead caused by my wire framed glasses. Blood is streaming down my face, beard and mohawk smeared a sticky dark red. My group of friends rented 6 mopeds, but because I didn't have a license I had someone else sign for mine, and technically I shouldn't have been driving it, so we said it got wrecked in a parking lot or something. It was a piece of shit anyway, and the alignment was off by about 20° so there's something. A couple cars stopped to see if I was okay, and because it was a small residential road it was no big deal that we were standing in the middle of it for a few minutes. Only one of my friends was still close enough to see it happen, the rest had sped away prior to the accident and we had been trying to catch up. He called someone to let them know what happened. One if the people that stopped to make sure I was okay was a special needs teacher, also on vaction from out of state, whose name I cannot remember due to the head injury, but boy was she lovely. And so kind. We exchanged small talk as she gave me a ride to a fair in town, where they had emergency services set up. They bandaged me up, and recommended that I go to the hospital for stitches. I didn't want to, because I have no insurance and avoid spending my money at hospitals unless it's a dire situation, but I went anyway and got 9 stiches, and an MRI that I also didn't want. Ended up with $5000 bill that after an appeal was reduced to $900 that I never paid. I might be a fugitive in the state of Maryland.

TL;DR I fell off a janky moped and hurt my face.

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