Scratching my head. How is Monero not a screaming buy atm?

If history has taught us anything, it is that you can not predict the future based on current or past events.

Unfortunately we cannot take the lesson from history that nothing can be predicted. Even though it's very difficult to account for billions of factors, the future is always made by 'what is' (facts) in the present, and we can find a very obvious phenomenon of repetition in the events of history. It's just like in math. Results that will be made in the future of the human world are always generated by the problems that exist in the present. In math, questions are connected by using answers from other problems. The world is exactly the same. Problems are formulated by the meeting of 'what is' in the present which are all effects of problems that existed in the past. If the problems never change then the results in the world will never change. But problems are obviously changing, if only perhaps very slowly.

Whosoever claims they know this world is not deterministic doesn't actually understand the most basic things in the very physics they think they are citing. They rather remind me of a person who claims molecules don't exist because the microscope they invented and associated their identity and self-esteem with can only see cells, and so they obviously cannot bring themselves to consider how they might create a microscope to verify the existence of molecules.

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