(SD Spoilers) Match announced for FOX's New Years Eve show live from Time Square

You guys often remind me of the "pro-life" people. Every life is sacred in the womb, but they hate the poor/minorities/whatever as soon as they pop out. You guys justify stale shit or low quality angles with "but the casuals", low-key telling "smarks" they are only upset because they don't understand business and those segments "are not for you", but if a casual by chance becomes a wrestling fan and comes to reddit, all excited to take part in a community about this new thing he enjoys, he goes from fetus to welfare queen really fast. So what this means is that you want wwe to make more smarks by attracting casuals, just like you make more poor people by outlawing abortions, so you can shit on the smarks and tell the the product is not for them. You're idealizing a product that would be perpetually for the person watching for the first time, and turn that person off as soon as they are an established fan.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com