[Serious] Have you found your purpose in life and if so, what is it?

I feel like this is one of those questions that usually leaves me feeling really shitty, but after calling 911 for my 93 y/o grandma who was about to stop breathing, helped me realize that I exist to help those I love and care about.

Another thing that was brought to light was me breaking up with my boyfriend. He had a lot of skeletons in his closet, and never brought them to light until he met me. I started to learn more about him, but I got hurt in the process. Hurt because the relationship wasn't on even ground- he had more things to figure out, passions and hobbies to find, and he had to find his own individual happiness. We figured these things out together, and I of course, wanted to help. But sometimes, the most you can do is just take a step back, and let your SO grow, and hope that one day, they'll truly find their happiness.

I find that my purpose is to help others, whatever the case may be. To be able to give that undying support when all hope is lost is something that I won't ever stop doing.

/r/AskReddit Thread