Sell Me Wukong

Seeing your previous comments make me wonder why you think he needs a rework. I think he's pretty balanced right now for soloQ. His kit synergizes really well with some of the meta items right know (BC, tiamat/hydra, Ghostblade) which are core on him, hell even trinity is decent on him. His kit provides so much room for build options. His w is amazing for tanking abilities in teamfights (don't know why everybody thinks its just some outplay mechanic). He has a 52% winrate in both jungle and top according to which is really fine. He hasn't been touched in ages by patches because he is just in a really good spot right now. He's strong across all elo's and is maybe a bit weaker in the really high elo master/challenger. Heck even there he's viable if you can play him well (look up allorim, he otp'ed wu in past seasons and got high master/challenger with it. And let's be honest here, we know he doesnt fit in pro play because in pro play everything is well organized and communicated 90% of the time. Wukong is just really good at creating chaos with his ult and picking misspositioned carries in the map. Bith of these things rarely happen in pro play. SoloQ is exactly the opposite of this let's be honest. Clown fiesta's, boosted animals and small ego's are what he thrives on. I really REALLY like to know why you think wukong is weak right now

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