Sell Your Shit Sunday - Vendor Ads and Sourcing Questions


Some of you may remember me, I have been a counterfeit vendor since back on BMR under various alias' and returned late last year to sell my super-note quality £5 bills. I was selling for a couple of months before being forced to deal directly after my account on Nucleus was "hacked" and I was locked out, I contacted support and didn't receive a reply for around a week, once I did get a reply it seems that the "hacker" had been taking in as many orders as he could and withdrew the coins including the ones from orders I had already posted.

View my old thread

I did honor some orders to try and help keep my reputation, so I posted out a few of the small ones to people without actually receiving any coin. Then, to make it worse the "hacker" began to post falsely as me through the Nucleus and Black Bank forums, claiming that someone had hacked and doxxed me and the police had raided my house. All of this was complete bullshit and was used to ensure I couldn't sell on Nucleus or BlackBank anymore. I have now had to consider that this was a Nucleus admin who locked me out of my account and stole the coins, because "VRC" posted on the forums shortly after stating that I got phished, which again was untrue.

Ok, down to business. I promised of selling 10's when I last vended, which never actually happened, although I have dealt directly with some buyers and sold them. The reason I held back was because I hadn't perfected my template or holograms for them, well I am happy to announce, that is now a thing of the past! I have perfected the 10's and just like my 5's they currently have a 100% pass rate and bare almost perfect replications of all security features from a genuine note, except the magnetic ink, once again, which is literally impossible to do... meaning that my notes remain un-usable for automated machines (Betting machines, self-service kiosks etc.)

The point in this topic really is to see whether there remains to be a demand for GBP notes, so I can justify whether it will be worth me re-investing into a full production line again. If so, I can begin with selling review samples to genuine Reddit users who have some sort of presence here (lots of posts, aged account, known in the community). Once the reviews are posted to Reddit, I will only be selling bulk and super bulk, the reason for this is that I ended up losing a lot of money last time, not only because of it being stolen, but because I miscalculated the running costs and sold lots of samples very cheaply at 30-40% of the note value, which was literally nothing for the 5's. This is also the reason I will no longer be selling 5's as it isn't worth my time and money + I cannot justify the cost-value ratio because it costs me the same to produce both.

Note features:

  • UV Markings
  • Hologram
  • Holographic strip - Threaded through the note, so it is visible from the back when held up to the light as a solid black line
  • Watermark - Now perfected so it can only be seen when held to the light
  • Passes the pen test - I use a cotton/linen blend material for my notes with no traces of starch, so they will always pass the counterfeit pen test.
  • High quality microprint - Invested a lot in new printers to ensure there is no blurring
  • Cutting - Perfectly cut all the same size and pretty much exactly the same size as a genuine note
  • Feel - You will not be able to tell the notes apart from the feel of a real one and genuine one, I have managed to now thin them a lot more so they are crisp and have the same thickness as a real bill. Using reprint methods there is now also some raised ink, which is almost a matched feel of a real one, so it will definitely pass.
  • Incremental serial codes - Just like last time, each note that I print will have an incremental serial code, so the serial will adjust in letters and numbers accordingly on each print run.

Notes are cleanly printed, very sharp edges and crisp so you WILL need to age them in order for them to not seem too perfect, I highly doubt you would ever come across a fresh 10 now.

Going to print a test run now of 2 or 3 notes and will get the pictures added as soon as I can. I definitely think the market should still be there, which is why I have returned, it doesn't seem that there has been anyone vending GBP since I last did and I don't think anyone has ever matched this quality.

If you have any questions it might be worth emailing me here: [email protected] and YES I still have control over that, it seems that some people thought I didn't after the issues last time.

New 4096 Bit PGP KEY:



Photos - Infotomb doesn't seem to be working and I'm not prepared to upload without Tor, so images are hosted at Filetea, unless anyone has a better option.

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