Seller agent asking for pre-approval letter before showing?

Not unusual. We have our home on the market and it's a unique property that gets interest but a lot of it is from people who are just curious about what the renovations look like. We required a preapproval letter from people before showing, but it was handled as a declaration between the showing agent and our listing agent that the preapproval existed and the buyer was qualified. We've now been burned a few times with buyers coming through and causing minor damage and/or just wasting our time and then getting feedback about how the home showed well but the buyers had issues that boiled down to them not being qualified and we seriously questioned whether they even had a preapproval. We're discussing requiring the preapproval to be sent over before approving a showing going forward.

As a buyer on the other side of this, if a seller required this from us, we'd have no problem getting a fresh letter from our broker with a number that matched what we were prepared to offer for the home. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

/r/RealEstate Thread