Which should we prioritize: a well-rated elementary school, or well-rated high school?

I find that lower school ratings = more diversity from what I’ve seen. The class sizes are bigger as well, but the districts offer more AP classes/ extra cirriculars.

For example- the city school where I grew up was like a mini college. Really dependent on the students work ethic, however, teachers would help more if parents got involved. They had waaaayyy more clubs and opportunities. College prep from the local cc and such. Also to note- they were more in tune with child behavior/ knowing the struggles kids go through emotionally. The city district had more connection to non profits as well to support said students.

I grew up in a small town district that focused hrs on testing and not much AP classes/ computer sciences. My biggest class was 25 and we were (the school still is) 90% white. We had a lot of counselors, however, none really had background/ interest in the kid beyond school….

Both have pros and cons.

/r/RealEstate Thread