Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls for removal of all 12 Wells Fargo board members

Saving $11.8bn for citizens isn't "grandstanding"!! Anyone with a brain realises this.

Ummm. Her friends are robbing trillions of dollars from the poor and middle class, redistributing it upwards to milionaires and bilionaires. A few pitiful crumbs out of "Consumer protection" pony show is pointless.

I guess you have trouble again, she called for multiple audits in the past and the one time she voted against it was only because it would have given political parties power over monetary policy.

The one you are talking about, the one she opposed, would have given the American people the transparency to see what the federal reserve is doing in secrecy. You know, like the trillions of dollars in handouts going to millionaires and billionaires.

Should be obvious to anyone who understands economics that this would be a disaster.

A disaster for the millionaires and billionaires living it up on their gravy train of free Federal Reserve handouts. Doesn't she believe in consumer protection? Or just these pitiful disingenuous pony shows?

Yes, which is why she has sponsored numerous bills to that effect...which you'd know if you had spent even a few minutes researching her.

And that few minutes is showing that she is supporting secrecy for the federal reserve. Even you acknowledged this.

Wait...are you arguing that those citizens who were defrauded by companies to the tune of $11.8bn shouldn't have received their money back? You are against CONSUMER PROTECTION?? Comon man, use your brain!

Im against dump consumers, giving their money to companies that shouldn't even exist. They need to be far more careful with where they do business, and having federal agencies to turn to for their complaints as a fall back is discouraging responsible behavior.

Yes, more transparency and oversight, which she has pushed for tons of times as long as it doesn't mean political parties get to decide monetary policy.

So back again, she is supporting secrecy at the federal reserve, under this guise that transparency will have political consequences. Yes, of course it will, the American people will be seeing the complete extent of the trillions of dollars in free handouts that the federal reserve has been giving to their millionaire and billionaire friends. The American people will also see the political involvement of those milioniares and billionaires, like which pro-federal reserve politicians they are donating their money to.

Again, should be obvious why to anyone with a basic understanding of economics and politics.

Yep. Politics, like Elizabeth Warren and the Federal Reserve wanting to protect that information of where all those free handouts have been going, and what political influence that money has been having in corrupting democracy.

You sound like a total fool calling the fed her friends given she launched more regulatory/oversight bills against them than almost every other senator.

It's a fake pony show of grandstanding. When it comes down to it, there she is blocking transparency for her friends at the federal reserve.

I'm seriously starting to question if you can read because you repeat the same bullshit without using your brain. She was the one who sponsored an anti-bailout bill: All you accomplish by calling the fed her friends is show everyone how incredibly clueless you are...but please continue if you want to look like a clown ;)

OK. We will just have to agree to disagree, because it's becoming quite clear that despite this consumer protection millionaire this and billionaire that pony show, you are still defending Elizabath Warren, who is blocking transparency at the federal reserve, that consumers should have full knowledge of where all those federal reserve free handouts have been going.

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