[Serious] Have you ever had a really upsetting dream that left you feeling bad the next day? What was it?

My nightmares are horrible and vivid so fair warning i guess?

I was leaving my apartment building in the city to meet up with family and was walking down the sidewalk as it wasn't really that far. As i was passing an alleyway i start hearing a noise to my right and turn my head to see the moment i get jumped by two men who grabbed and pulled me into the alley. I tried to break their grip, ditch my jacket and even threw my purse as bait but they didn't care. I fought and fought with everything I could so they pushed me up against the wall on my back and stabbed me in the lower left side of my belly and pulled it out at an angle which widened the wound before throwing me to the ground. My clothes were stripped or torn away before they both violated me. Anything valuable I was carrying with my like my wallet or jewelry were stolen as they both left me lying there. My father found me stumbling out of the alleyway into the street bloodied and in the rags of my outfit and rushed me to the hospital.

I woke up alone in a hospital bed as one of the men involved was barring the door to my room, I was too weak to fight him off due to my injury but the struggle reopened the stitches in my belly. Security pulled him off of me just before he could kill me which I can only assume was for my silence. The utterly broken feeling as i collapsed on the hospital floor is something is something that sent me to therapy.

/r/AskReddit Thread