[Serious] Girlfriend for Hire/Matchmaking Services

ok, I'm gna be straight up honest. girl entering uni here, and if I ever meet a guy like you, I'll run away. seriously, from your comments in this thread alone, the way you approach relationships sounds transactional, short-term, no emotions involved, and chauvinistic.

my advice to you:

  1. adjust your mindset regarding relationships. females are not toys for you to play with. say you got a girlfriend, how will you treat her? are you in it for the long term or just to play? what do you want in a relationship? if you're unable to answer this, or your answer is 'i just want one', then you aren't ready for one. if you answer simply companionship/FOMO, read my point 2.
  2. evaluate the people around you. if you feel like you need a rs because people around you are psyching you to do so, you need to make better friends. you seem to want a relationship just for the sake of being in one/ to be not alone--for this, i recommend getting a good friend instead.
  3. be comfortable with being single. just because others are attached/have dated before doesn't mean you have to. perhaps its the people you've interacted with, but the ones I know are really chill about dating/relationships. most people in my office (internship now) only found their SOs after uni. why would anyone love you when you don't feel comfortable loving yourself?
  4. get a hobby. it can be anything. girls love guys with something they are passionate about. it can even be learning (not studying, but learning), cooking, etc you name it, there will be someone who likes it
  5. be optimistic. you sound so desperate, you reek of pessimism. who would want to date a Debby downer with such a limited scope of thinking? in the next few months, try and change your mindset. the world is much bigger than just finding a girlfriend. instead of making 'getting attached' a goal, treat it as a process.

cheers dude

/r/singapore Thread