[Serious] How can you tell if your workplace is toxic?

I would say as far as your manager/supervisor is little-not at all involved with your work, but you still work in a team with many co-workers and customers you're bound with a toxic environment sooner or later. The less your supervisor/manager knows, is involved and updated about your work/teamwork and work dynamics, more likely you'll end up in a toxic environment. The mix becomes lethal with "that senior employee". (I talk about many fields here, but is often a senior employee taking charge for a younger manager and decide out of his/her own experience what's better for the team "managing" for the manager, often enough their experience runs back from the '80s/'90s in the same field, same work place and little to no updates ever since, different kind of workforce and works systems/procedures). Other toxic characters I really can't stand are the manager's best friend or people seeking too much drama. Too much gossip or a "shut to the world" work environment can also be heavy over long time.

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