[Serious] Why is it not ok to try to prevent and/or cure Autism?

Using that knowledge to prevent autism by terminating pregnancies is eugenics

We already do that for down syndrome and other identifiable genetic conditions in some countries. I personally don't think aborting a fetus because it has an identifiable genetic anomaly is inherently evil. I don't think it's wrong to eliminate conditions and disorders on a genetic level. But I'm sure that you heavily disagree with that notion.

Using that knowledge to de-activate genetic markers is eugenics

But again, I don't think eugenics as a concept is not evil. We're not talking about mass genocides where LIVE humans are killed, we're talking about possibly altering the genes of a fetus. Suggesting the two are the same undermines the genuine study of human genetics. But even as you pointed out, there are ethical committees already talking about it. We're not about to leap headfirst into any concrete "cures". We don't know enough.

Regardless, my main point was that we should continue research. Your idea that we should avoid any additional research into the genetic causes of autism is just flat out anti-scientific, and I think bullshit. And it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned about the ethics involved, but we're far, far away from aborting every autistic baby.

You haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about frankly.

You don't either. None of use do. THAT IS THE FUCKING POINT.

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