[Serious] People who can vote but don't, what's your reasoning behind that?

To people who are not voting because they don't like either candidate or either party then I would strongly suggest voting 3rd party.

Here is why.

Statistically the chances of a 3rd party candidate winning the election is extremely slim but I don't think that's the point of it. Its more of a protest vote. For example if a large number voters vote 3rd party causing Hillary to win in one state or Trump in another would have huge implications for future elections. So while yes this election you will most likely be stuck with Hillary or Trump it will change what the parties will do in the next election cycle. Hillary is really only a viable option to most of her voters because Trump is running and vice versa so both parties can get away with there candidates even though most people voting for them don't like them. All though most elections you are choosing the lesser of two evils this election is at an extreme and all though a 3rd party might not win if enough people vote 3rd party where it causes a candidate who theoretically should have won that state to lose to there opponent then third parties become a threat to both parties in the future. This gives both parties bigger incentives to pick better candidates. For example the DNC probably knew Hillary was a very unpopular pick but they knew they could get away with having an unpopular pick because Trump is also an unpopular pick. if a 3rd party candidate skews the election in any direction it gives the party more incentive to back and produce candidates that are popular with the people over what the party as an organization want. Note I have no specific stats or sources to back this up since the 3rd party hasn't had as much power to change the course of the presidency as it has this election cycle. Also while either not voting or putting a random name down is also considered a protest vote this doesn't threaten either of the parties or at best only threatens the democratic party (because statistically speaking democrats are less likely to actually vote then republicans.) And if Gary Johnson as 3rd party candidate actually beat Hillary and won Virginia the effect that it would have on the democratic party would be huge considering they would be losing a battleground state that there opposition isn't even running in. The third party becomes way stronger, it shows it can skew the election, and both parties are more likely to produce candidates who are more popular in general instead of getting away with being slightly more popular then the opposition. Either party could have had an almost sure fire win if they produced a candidate who was either more moderate or popular with voters but instead they chose to gamble (specifically the democrats considering they only chose to produce 2 candidates and the DNC was already behind Hillary from the start) on the fact that they can get away with who they personally want as an organization even though they know that voters don't want them. Voting 3rd Party is a way of punishing this. It' also could be saying that the voter would rather keep an election cycle like this from happening in the future over voting against the candidate they dislike the most. A democrat or republican voting 3rd party over their candidate is saying they prioritize more that there party changes how they do things over voting against the oppositions candidate. If you think that supporting your parties candidate is more important for the country then voting for your party to change (and it might be) then vote for them. Protest votes (like 3rd party votes, voting for the opostions candidate, or voting for a candidate you know who won't win) is vote for your party or the parties in general to change in some way. And if a 3rd party candidate does skew the election then the losing party will have a strong incentive to change for voter appeal the and the opposition party will most likely change to counter them. Sorry this is long I just wanted to lay out why I personally think voting 3rd party isn't a waste of a vote, and this is in terms of just using it as a protest vote this doesn't even cover how it will make the third party stronger in general.

/r/AskReddit Thread