LG V20 (Pre-production) beat Google Pixel in low light performance

A few things about this comparison:

  1. It's not really a fair comparison, because the testers forced HDR on for EVERY shot on all the phones, instead of keeping them on Auto. This means that Galaxy, iPhone, and LG devices will lose detail in cases where they would have NOT used HDR, because they're combining exposures when they phone likely wouldn't have.

This was done because the Pixel is beholden to HDR+ for any decent output from that camera, and it almost always uses it.

  1. The RAW data off an iPhone and Galaxy device (and especially the V20, those pictures are sexy) is going to be better than the Pixel, cause physics. Additionally, the UltraPixels on the Pixel is going to blow out lights and create flare/halo effects a in a lot of places where the other phones won't.

If you plan to shoot RAW + JPEG, share some quick JPEGs and edit the keepers yourself to Print/Photo Book/etc. then you'll be better served with any of the other three cameras.

But really, point #1 is a biggie. I can't believe they would do something like that, because none of these phones ship with HDR "On." At best, they ship with HDR set to "Auto," and the Samsung/Apple devices do not use HDR nearly as often as the Pixel (since HDR+ is not a "traditional" HDR mode).

I would really have to see this redone with the phones set to Auto and not forced to One to even the field for the Pixel (really, forcing HDR On can absolutely destroy image quality in some situations) to take this seriously.

The Pixel's sensor is not great in low light, and this is unmasked the minute you start recording video and it cannot rely on HDR+ to edit in a serviceable quality (the camera is forced to rely on physics, and the others quickly pass it up due to Aperture and Stabilization).

/r/Android Thread Link - youtube.com