[Serious] People who stopped talking to a very close friend, what was the reason?

When I was in 4th grade I met my best friend. She lived 3 houses down and we did almost everything together. As we grew up and started experimenting with drugs I slowed down while she sped up. I smoked a lot of weed and did some pills from time to time but she ended up being addicted to percs and oxys and eventually anything she could get her hands on. I was so worried about her and tried to help her every way I could. I was devastated when I found out she started doing meth, and even more upset when I saw her shoot heroin for the first time. She was putting herself into bad positions, became a stripper was selling herself for drugs, stealing, get into a lot of trouble and hanging out with some really shady people. I tried my hardest to be there when she would call at 3am sobbing because x happened and she was out on the street alone or x threw her out or the cops were after her or she was living in her car. When she was living in her car I felt so bad for her that I let her come and stay with me for the night, eat, shower, sleep in a bed and when I woke up in the morning my really expensive bong was gone and so was my wii. I realized she was no longer the person I had grown up with and started to distance myself from her. I called her mom frantically telling her how she needed help, obviously her mom already knew but I tried. I tried everything I could to make her go to rehab, convince her. The end of our friendship was when I found out she had stolen a very large amount of money from her grandparents and some detectives came by and asked if I knew where she was. I did. And I told them, and she went to jail. I hoped that she would go to jail and learn her lesson and get clean. She absolutely hated me for it but I thought it was the right thing to do. She was either going to die from an overdose or get murdered or go to jail, I thought jail was the better option.

We didn't talk after that for years but one night she called me out of the blue crying and saying how she had just gotten out of rehab and she was doing better and she really missed me. We didn't stay in touch but we are facebook friends and from what she posts it seems like she's living an okay life. She's married and is pregnant with her first kid and she looks happy. I hope she's not on drugs I really do.

/r/AskReddit Thread