[serious] Redditors on the autistic spectrum, what's life like?

Not directly an answer to the question, but I've sometimes wondered if I am/was slightly on the spectrum somewhere. When I was a little kid I always felt normal, had friends, etc. Then when I was about 11 my family moved to a new neighborhood where I didn't know anyone and spent the next two years being constantly bullied for being "a loser" by a particular group of kids at my school.

Partly as a result of the bullying, my mother moved me to a private school for the next three years where, I would learn later, I was known by the other kids to be "weird" and by the teacher for being disruptive, although I wasn't bullied and made friends with the kids at this school.

I went to a public high school back in my old neighborhood (where I'd been bullied) and I remember having a tough time making friends. I seemed to annoy people a lot and had a hard time just "being normal." I didn't know how to talk to anyone and many social cues seemed lost on me. I didn't read people's signals at all and made them feel awkward. I would repeat things over and over without realizing it. I was vaguely aware of this stuff at the time but I didn't know how to do anything about it.

Then one day, I think in my junior year, I remember noticing something about how someone was talking to me. They were doing something that seemed to indicate they wanted something to happen... and then it hit me: they were trying to end the conversation. I couldn't explain how I knew it, I just did. After that I started noticing lots of other clues about communication that I hadn't been aware of prior. It took some years and some very honest conversations with good friends to get rid of the most ingrained and unconscious habits, but finally I could be "normal."

I still have some vestige behaviors from those days, though. I'm introverted and very cautious about about saying anything that could potentially embarrass me. I still repeat myself sometimes without realizing it, but my wife is good about letting me know and I've gotten better at not doing that.

Anyway, there's something.

/r/AskReddit Thread