[Serious] Redditors who are completely deaf, if you could hear for one day, what would you want to hear and why?

I know nothing about how the brain works, and I don't mean to sound rude towards you due to the fact it's impossible. But I feel like listening to music would be completely different to looking at art.

Obviously things like pop music with meaningful lyrics would be out of the question, a deaf person can read them anyway so that's less of an issue. But hearing an orchestra for the first time would be incredible. Maybe a deaf person wouldn't understand what is happening or may even find it painful rather than enjoyable due to the fact their brain can't cope, but having a new sense and having it overwhelmed like that would be so powerful.

People try to understand art they look at, but very few people try to understand classical music. Most people just enjoy it and take it in as a way to stimulate themselves without thinking. It can control your emotions even amdake you feel happy/sad/tense even though you have no idea what is going on. A lot of music is like blobs in abstract art to people, but we still enjoy it for some reason.

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