[Serious] Redditors who DON'T want to have children - why not?

As a woman, I have never wanted to have kids. I was VERY clear with my husband before we married, and made it even more clear that it wasn't something I was going to change my mind about, or something that was a 'phase.' I made him take a while to consider it and think over it very carefully. If you don't agree on that, and aren't clear from the 'get go', it can become a HUGE issue further on down the line.

There have been one or two occasions when we've been out and he's seen a young dad burping a baby, and he's gotten misty eyed. I felt really crap over that. However, 10 times more often he's said to me (particularly after a hard day at work) - 'Thank God we don't have kids. Thank you. Right choice right there.' And that makes me feel good.

I just don't see any benefit to either of us. We are best friends - a baby isn't going to make that bond any tighter. I think a lot of women have babies 'accidentally' to save a relationship or to hold onto a man. I think it's deplorable, but I know that it happens because I've met women who've admitted it.

I also think a lot of couples have babies because it's the 'next step' and because their parents/society/whoever expects it. That seems pretty drastic in terms of pleasing other people to me.

I have a very small body, I wear 11 to 12 year old clothes. Ain't no way in hell is a baby coming out of anywhere without ripping me apart. To hell with that. I like my parts exactly where they are, and my husband does too. I'm not messing with that. As far as the whole needle in the spine bullshit goes, not a fuck. I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. That shit is not happening.

We have a really good life. I get to nap with my husband a lot. We eat lots of pizza, drink a lot more than a parent could, and nap. It's BLISS. Naptimes are the best times, and the baby ain't getting them.

The amount of money it takes to raise a child is ridiculous. I'd rather we went to Bali and drank cocktails whilst enjoying the local cuisine. You just can't have any fun with a kid. Let's face it, as soon as that soul sucking drain on your psyche is popped out, your life is over. I'd rather rob a bank. At least the 20 year sentence I get is giving me a small chance of getting away with it. I just like those odds better.

Have you met kids nowadays? They all need a damn good beating. Also, I want to get a lawn soon. Kids and lawns don't mix. Also, I'm looking into herbaceous borders. Once again, the pretty ones are poisonous. To hell with that. You just know a kid will chomp down, and you'll be in the emergency room being interrogated by CPS and wondering what you did with your life. And wondering how much the bill will be.

I can think of so many other reasons, but yeah. I mean no offence to parents, I was trying to answer honestly.

I truly don't understand why people do it, but that's just me. To all the parents out there, you're either very brave, or very crazy. Either way, if it's working for you, well done.

/r/AskReddit Thread