This is the toilet paper my roommate bought. I'm better off wishing the poop away.

Personally I have found the best way of wiping one's @ss is as follows:

1) Purchase a giant pack of paper towels at Costco (the kind in which you are able to tear a whole sheet in half).

2) After pooping, grab about 3 to 4 half-sheets of paper towels, fold them in half, and then wet them in the sink.

3) Wipe your gorgeous @ss with the nice damp, absorbent, cleansing paper towels.

4) Bonus tip: when going out: carry about 4 half-sheets in your pocket, and wet them before entering the public bathroom stall.

5) This is MUCH more soothing and cleansing than traditional toilet paper, while being far cheaper than purchasing baby wipes.


if you use moist types of things to wipe your private area after going to the bathroom, you are at a slightly increased risk of developing a fungal infection in your private area.

Thus, for example, when you are done wiping with the damp paper towels, or if you are European and using a bidet!... then...

you may just want to dab the area with a dry paper-towel sheet/half-sheet, to remove moisture, as some people are prone to fungal infections (aka: "jock itch") in the private area.


If you do get painful, raw soreness in the private area, often a few days of cream containing the drug: clotrimazole (such as "Canesten" brand) will wipe it out easily enough.

More developed fungal infections may take a few weeks of cream, and for females, in which the fungal infection has entered their vaginal area, 1 to 4 doses of oral-fluconazole pills, along with the cream, will completely cure both the external/internal components of the vaginal fungal infection.


NOTE: If you have pain in the region, without an overwhelmingly bad smell, then it's probably a fungal infection in nature (and you can use the cream/pills mentioned above to cure it).

But if you also notice a very bad smell at the same time, then you probably have a bacterial infection in your private region. If you are a dude, then a couple of weeks of using the over the counter triple-antibiotic-ointment cream (like polysporin) should do the trick.

The same with females... sometimes a simple antibiotic cream will take away the bad smell from the region if the infection is on the surface. But with females, if the infection has spread inward into the vagina, and/or the bad-smell is really intense, then you may wish to high-tale it to the doctor right away, and get yourself some oral-antibiotics.

Also females should make sure they have not accidentally forgotten any objects inside their vagina, which is triggering the bad internal infection! This actually happens more often than you might suspect!


Some people get BOTH a fungal, and bacterial infection in the skin of their private region at the same time. In which case they often need to alternate both anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial creams at the SAME TIME! for a few weeks, along with possible supplements of oral anti-fungal and anti-biotic pills.


If you have soreness in your private region, there is sometimes no good way of figuring out whether you have a fungal or bacterial infection in your private region, and you can just simply try treating both at the same time. (If there is no bad smells, then it's probably fungal. But if there is a bad smell it could be just bacterial, or BOTH fungal and bacterial).


FINAL TIP: for the love of God, NEVER apply a does of hydro-cortisone cream to your private area, especially if you are a dude!

When applying hydro-cortisone cream to stop itching feelings on the penis, or anus, the steroidal cream is sometimes absorbed at 30 times the rate as other regions of your skin!

The skin is EXTREMELY thin in that region.

In some men hydrocortisone cream causes INTENSE further EXTREME THINNING of penile skin, resulting in utterly ULTRA PAINFULL skin stretching and tearing sensations when getting an erection. It will stop you cold from having sex, sometimes months at a time.

Indeed, some guys take MONTHS to heal from just a couple of applications of hydro-cortisone to their penis. A few guys actually NEVER heal, and battle ongoing extreme pain in their penis for the rest of their lives. :(

So men: head my WARNING:

DO NOT put hydrocortisone cream on your penis, or anus... NEVER! NEVER! Just do NOT do it!

Make sure the antifungal, or antibiotic cream you put on your penis contains NO hydrocortisone.

If you doubt my advice on this hydrocortisone issue related to the penis, then just google it, and read about the misery some men have experienced, sometimes with lifelong lasting impacts on their penis.

What is really shocking here, is that most dermatologists do not warn men about this extreme side effect on the penis region of hydrocortisone cream. Some men have began filing law suites against their dermatologists and doctors due to this issue (rightly so), so perhaps that will be a wake up call to dertmatologists who should know better, and other medical doctors.

Even some females experience similar pain in their vaginal and anal regions... so even if you are a female, you should think TWICE before putting hydrocortisone cream on your genitals!

Anyways... that's my bathroom wiping/hygene advice. I should probably stop typing now before I get carried away or something.

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