[Serious] Redditors who speak a second language what funny things have you overheard from people?

I learned Russian for a high paying job a little over a decade ago. The job only lasted about a year but the Russian stuck with me, even though I haven't had to use it in many moons. Cut to six months ago. I'm driving Uber in between jobs. Pick up this beautiful young lady and she only nodded and said yes when I greeted her. The app showed she was going to the mall and I said "you're going to the mall right?" Once again, "yes". I thought maybe she was rude or slow but this is Uber so no big deal just a quick drop off. She gets a phone call and starts speaking perfectly albeit, in Russia. I'm excited because I haven't had a chance to use this "skill" of mine in a very long time. Long story short, she's talking to what I assume is her pimp because the whole conversation was about her cut of the money not being what she wanted. I also heard her refer to her bald Uber driver and the car smelled like Mexican food. I don't even eat Mexican food. Anyway I drop her off at the mall and say have a nice day. With a scowl she says thank you in broken English. I replied and almost fluent Russian basically " you are way too beautiful to look so angry". She flashed the most beautiful smile at me that I had ever seen. I couldn't even be mad at her about the bald and Mexican food comment. I told her to have a great day (in Russian) and that was that. As I drove away looking at her in my rearview she was just standing there staring at my car pulling off. I'm sure that I impressed her and got her interest but I'm also pretty sure she was a prostitute, so I wasn't even trying to go there, then. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have tried to hit that tho.

/r/AskReddit Thread