[Serious] Trans people of Reddit, what was something you weren't expecting to be told, find out, or experience when going through your transition?

Had a rough patch with my ex a couple years into the relationship. She had started getting really close to a guy friend of hers that she had a bit of a crush on. It got to the point where the first signs of cheating started popping up (never found any reason to genuinely suspect it had happened, but it looked at the very least like it was heading that way; she's an ex now for good reason, I no longer care either way and accept both possibilities). When she realized that I was noticing her infatuation, that it wasn't one sided, and knowing that I couldn't make friends with the guy as a result, she got really disappointed because she thought she had found me an awesome new friend because... well... he was a lot like me and I don't really hang out with a lot of people outside of family. But he was an unavoidable part of our lives because he was part of a larger group of friends that we both would hang out with sometimes. The first time I met him, we shook hands... and let me tell you, he went from being someone I saw as genuine competition to a pussy in a matter of 2 seconds when he presented his limp, soft-skinned, white collar hand. I'm not saying he was a pussy, but it totally changed the way that I saw him. She asked me later that night what I thought of him and I said, "he shakes hands like a pussy." Of all the things running through my head about him, that's what stood out.

My point is handshakes can severely impact the way in which you are viewed by other men. And it's not that a firm handshake means a whole lot by itself, but rather that a weak handshake speaks volumes in a first impression, whether or not those volumes are comprised of fiction or non-fiction. My view of that dude wouldn't have likely changed at all had he given a firm handshake.

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