What's the shittiest thing an employer has ever done to you?

TLDR: My previous employer was a cunt that abused young teenager's lack of legal knowledge in regards to work laws and scammed us all to the max.

Now. Oh Boy. Some grievance I got:

My previous employer hired people for one year on a temporary contract. Law dictates that after that one year, she has to give out a permanent contract - which provides more job security to the employee as it becomes harder to fire etc.
So when a employee would hit the end of his first year, he was told he could not come to work for the next 1-2 months as he was "fired", but he could come back after that. This method allowed her to dodge the employment rules and keep people on easy-to-ditch one year temporary contracts. It's fucking scummy but since most of her employees that she did this shit on were teenagers she didn't get much legal flak. It did, surprise surprise, led to an exodus of the more skilled of the young employees.

Law dictates a higher salary for Sunday and to their credit we did get higher pay. But instead of giving us salary based on the hours worked, as with every other day, she made a flat "Sunday rate" - based on a roughly 6 hour Sunday workday. Now that rate looked very profitable, but if one would calculate the amount of hours he'd usually work on a Sunday vs what he got paid, one would find out that he would be getting one to two hours less salary than he's entitled to on most Sundays. We were told this is OK, because the hours we work more during the busy season would be compensated by less busy Sundays in the calm season. EXCEPT THAT DIDNT HAPPEN - we were so understaffed that even in the calm season we'd never leave in time on Sundays. I fondly remember one instance where DID manage to close before six hours of labour, and when she saw us pack up and leave she personally told us we had to stay and work longer because after all, we were getting paid for six hours of work?

Then when the company went bankrupt we basically got zero warning. Just one morning we showed up and were told it was our last day. Why did she not tell us? Because she was afraid no one would show up for work if she did.
To top it off, she told the foremen not to tell the few people who had a permanent contract how to get certain benefits that they were entitled to in a circumstance like this - because it would cost her money.

Aside from the one instance on Sunday, she didn't tell us anything personally. Oh no. She instructed the foremen, my day-to-day boss, to tell us the bad news. My foreman was furious that he had to bring bad news, but what could he do? I don't hate them for it, it must suck to be the one that has to tell people they lost their job if you had no say in it yourself. One of them even told me later that he was instructed not to tell us about the financial aid we were entitled to, and that he knew 3 days beforehand we all lost our job.

Rant rant. I did earn good money there, but it should've been more and it could've been better if not for the shit upper management.

/r/AskReddit Thread