[Serious] What’s the worst thing somebody has ever done to you?

In high school, I didn’t have many friends, and thought this one girl was cool with me to let me take her to prom. She said yes. I bought my ticket, and hers. No refunds. I gave them to her weeks before. When prom came close, I checked up the day before and she decided she didn’t want to go anymore. I then decided, that I didn’t want to go anymore… I find out later she still went, but without me. She’s laughing and smiling with her friends all over social media. I felt so betrayed. It was expensive too, and it was with my moms money. She never apologized and obviously I never went to prom. I felt stupid and felt bad that my mom spent all that. To this day, I always wanted to know why she did that. Part me thinks someone told her I was a weirdo or some loser to not hang with. Idk. But that was really fucked up.

/r/AskReddit Thread