What is the meaning of life?

The year was 1994 I was only 14 at the time. I played the Dixie Youth Baseball World Series in Euafala, Alabama that summer and on the way we stopped at a truck stop. I think we were in GA at the time, It was late and we were traveling from Virginia so I was extremely tired. Anyway, I was walking to the the bathroom and walked past a huge tour bus when I noticed this women standing behind it with a small dog. My friend who was with me said by the way she was dressed she had to be a prostitute. We were laughing and he said that his dad told him prostitutes frequent truck stops and will pretty much do anything if the money is right. I said "well I wonder what she would do if I kissed her? " He said that she probably had a knife or pepper spray and would beat the shit out of me. So I said being the smart ass I was, that she couldn't touch me because I was only 14. So, I ran up behind her tapped her on the shoulder and just kissed her right on the lips. I knew I had fucked up when I smelled alcohol and felt stubble...almost immediately he punched me in the face and slung me around by my shirt. I will never forget it.

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