[Serious]What was the scariest, most life threatening situation you have ever been in? What happened and why?

I was recording a shortfilm for school with a few friends. The scene we were about to shoot was a kidnapping (I live in Venezuela btw) , so, we decide to do it in the front street of a friend's house. The plan was to use the car of my friend father in order to simulate the snatch of a pair of guys. (the story was dark and even involved a twisted kkk.) I was one of the victims. The pair of drivers disguised as fucking criminals with dark glasses, the face covered, and even with fake weapons. A girl was on the back with the cam. They drove around the block and then proceeded to force me and the other guy, common pedestrians, to get inside the car. The take went nicely. Then, we heard gunshots.

The driver (he was the owner of the house) immediately stopped the car and stepped out of it. Then, everyone did the same. "It's just a video! It's just a video!" Started yelling my friend. In the middle of the confusion, I thought we were going to be robbed. The front seats disguised guys had the hands up. I took the girl and we hid behind a parked car. The guy in the front right, although he had the hands up, he didn't dropped the fake gun. He insisted, even with a gun in his hands, that the kidnapping wasn't real.

I stayed like that until the shooter finally appeared. "Against the wall." he said. I supposed that he was also referring to me (I was thinking it was a robbery.) so I went out of my cover. Oh my, that pistol was shining as fuck. The guy that was "kidnapped" with me even took his iPod out willing to giving it to the guy. Then, a neighbor who knew my friend looked to what the fuck was happening. When he figured it out, he ran as Usain Bolt, screaming "they're neighbors!".

At the end, the shooter was actually a bodyguard from an adjacent house. He was on the balcony when he saw the suspicious looking car going around. The zone had real kidnapping issues, so he didn't hesitate to try to help those poor pedestrians. Then the police came over, but we didn't even had to go to the station or anything.

It happened two years ago, and I still wonder what could have happened if my friend didn't figured out in time that the shots were from a bodyguard. He has some cold nerves, for sure. Or maybe if the other front guy entered in shock.

Unfortunately we didn't record the events. The girl pressed the stop button immediately after the first shot (it actuallly was recorded). Although, I have lots of recording pre and post the event. Some of them are in YouTube. The rest in dropbox.

/r/AskReddit Thread